Digital Home Staging is the process of integrating digitally rendered furniture into an existing Building to accelerate sales.
The Integration ranges from furniture to lamps, plants and various decoration elements, to increase the value of the object and decrease the idle time of advertising. Buildings which are prepared for sale trough Home Staging are called stages or set in the style of film making.
Surveys amongst US-Real Estate Broker have shown, that Home Staging can reduce the time to sell by half and reach 10-15% higher sales proceeds As a long term specialist on the market for architectural rendering we see a perfect combination of a 360° Virtual Tour in which we render additional furniture elements as an innovative media to step ahead in the competition. We elevate the Real Estate marketing to the next level.
The main advantage of Digital Home Staging, compared to convention Home Staging wit rental furniture, is its flexibility. The whole digital furniture can be turned on and off to show different room possibilities. Furthermore the simultaneous creation of a 360° Virtual Tour is included. Besides its even less expensive than conventional Home Staging.
In addition a Virtual tour can be enhanced with 360° Drone Panoramas, to present the advantageous location around the Building. For example the connection to the public transport network, free time activities like convert halls or stadiums. Or simply show the beautiful view.
Pictures and Videos alike can also be a integrated part of the tour. And add a new dimension to the marketing concept. A small teaser from you company or the real estate itself enforces the positive impressions and can show the costumer additional information which would be missing from the tour alone.
Along with the first impression, the feeling of well being and relaxation are important to convey the meaning of “being home”. Exactly this topic can be empathised with Digitale Home Staging. – DHS